The district heating price period changes from summer to autumn
The district heating price period will change from the summer price period to the autumn price period at the beginning of October. In connection with the change, the energy fee for the autumn price period will increase by 3.3% from EUR 107.45 to EUR 111.00 per megawatt-hour, including value-added tax. The price list for the fixed part of district heating, i.e. water flow fees, will remain unchanged.
The overall price of district heating will be 2.8% higher than last year’s autumn price period on average. The price change is in line with general inflation and is caused by the prices of fuel and emission allowances, which have remained high. The autumn price period will begin on 1 October and last three months, until the end of December.
The price of district heating consists of a fixed water flow fee and seasonal energy fee. The water flow fee covers the fixed costs of district heating production and transmission and has remained unchanged since the end of 2019. The energy fee is based on energy consumption and updated four times a year: at the beginning of January, March, May, and October. The energy fee is affected by the prices of raw materials, emission allowances and electricity, as well as by energy taxes.
We are planning to renew our district heating product and its pricing for 2024. More information on the changes will be provided during the autumn.
We are moving towards carbon-neutral energy production
District heating is on its way to becoming a carbon-neutral form of heating. Homes in Helsinki are increasingly being heated with sustainable forms of energy production, for example by utilising biomass and waste and environmental heat.
The transition to a sustainable energy system improves our self-sufficiency and reduces dependence on imported raw materials and related price fluctuations. At the same time, it balances the price pressure on district heating.