Electricity products and prices

Compare electricity contracts and choose the one that best fits your electricity consumption. Order a new electricity contract or switch your current one on this page.

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Recommendations for you

Prices include VAT 25.5%

Basic Electricity Easy choise


  • Contract valid until further notice
  • The origin of electricity complies with the production mix of electricity produced in Finland
  • The origin can be changed to renewable or carbon-free electricity
13.55 c/kWh
Basic fee 5.99 €/mo

Fixed-term Basic Electricity


  • Fixed-term electricity contract until 30.9.2026
  • Fixed price for the whole contract period
  • The origin can be changed to renewable or carbon-free electricity
6.99 c/kWh
Basic fee 5.99 €/mo

Fixed-term Valtti Electricity


  • Fixed-term electricity contract for 2 years
  • Fixed-term Valtti Electricity is an electricity contract that allows you to combine the benefits of fixed-priced and hourly priced electricity
  • The origin can be changed to renewable or carbon-free electricity
7.40 c/kWh
+/- usage impact
Basic fee 5.99 €/mo

Market Price Electricity


  • The contract is valid until further notice
  • The price of electricity is determined monthly based on the market price. The price of electricity is always known in advance
  • The origin can be changed to renewable or carbon-free electricity
  • Energy price in April: 8.30 c/kWh (VAT 25.5 %)
March energy price
11.17 c/kWh
Basic fee 3.98 €/mo

Exchange Electricity


  • The contract is valid until further notice
  • The energy price is determined hourly on the basis of the market price of electricity
  • The origin can be changed to renewable or carbon-free electricity
Spot-price +
0.49 c/kWh
Basic fee 4.96 €/mo

Consumption Electricity Supply obligation product


  • Helen’s supply obligation product available for customers within the scope of the supply obligation of the Helen Electricity Network
  • The contract is valid until further notice with a notice period of 14 days
  • The origin can be changed to renewable or carbon-free electricity
13.55 c/kWh
Basic fee 5.99 €/mo

Having trouble finding the right electricity contract?

Try Selection Assistant

Buying electricity is easy

Choose a contract

Compare electricity contracts and choose the best option for you.

Enrich your contract with extra services

For example, you can choose the Renewable or Carbon-Free additional service to change the origin of your selected electricity contract.

Check the contract details

Before submitting the order, please ensure that the order details are correct and that you have added your optional electricity contract products and extra services to your order.

All done!

You have successfully submitted your order for an electricity contract. You will receive an order confirmation by email, and the contract will enter into force in accordance with the contract terms.

Get your positive energy from Helen

Reliable energy company

We are a reliable and secure partner for our customers in the midst of the energy transition with our experience spanning more than 100 years. We offer an extensive range of the best energy solutions and digital services for our customers.

Free Oma Helen service

Oma Helen gives you a quick overall picture of your electricity usage, and you will keep on top of your energy matters. Oma Helen is available at any time of the day or night, at the most convenient time for you.

Electricity accident cover for the whole family is included in the contract

As an electrical accident can happen to anyone at any time, all Helen’s electricity customers get free electricity accident insurance cover in connection with the contract.

As our electricity contract customer, you get a 20% discount on home insurance from Fennia

As a Fennia home insurance customer, you are also eligible for a corresponding discount on many other insurance products from Fennia. You will receive the benefit when you buy home insurance online after buying an electricity contract.