Invoicing in Helen Group

We will process only e-invoices as of 1 April 2020 due to the EU directive on e-invoicing and the Electronic Invoicing Act (241/2019). If you still have not started using e-invoicing, you can send e-invoices to us via the free Basware Portal service. Our e-invoicing addresses and instructions for using Basware Portal are available at the end of this page.

Use of reference numbers

A reference number is needed in the payment of all invoices. The reference number is the order or contract number provided in connection with the order (starting with PO, PP or H). The reference number must also be added to the e-invoice data.

Invoices arriving without a reference number will be returned to the sender.

Helen Group payment terms

The general Helen Group payment terms are 45 days net (net 45). Please note this term of payment when invoicing Helen Group companies, unless otherwise agreed in a mutual contract with you.

Conditions of procurement

On product and service purchases we follow Helen Ltd's conditions of procurement.

Helen Group’s e-invoice addresses

The operator is Basware, operator ID: BAWCFI22.

The companies within the Helen Group also accept e-invoices through the Peppol network.

Helen Ltd
Business ID 2630573-4
EDI identifier 003726305734

Helen Electricity Network Ltd
Business ID 2035428-7
EDI identifier 003720354287

Oy Mankala Ab
Business ID 0158738-4
EDI identifier 003701587384

Helsingin Energiatunnelit Oy
Business ID 2640207-5
EDI identifier 003726402075

Tuulipuisto Lakiakangas 3 Oy
Business ID 2915705-2
EDI identifier 003729157052

Kristinestad Tupaneva Oy
Business ID 3007070-4
EDI identifier 003730070704

Kalistanneva Holding Oy
Business ID 3223668-3
EDI identifier 003732236683

Tuulipuisto Kalistanneva Oy
Business ID 2559448-2
EDI identifier 003725594482

Kalistanneva Sijoitusyhtiö Ky
Business ID 3263015-4
EDI identifier 003732630154

Helen ÅB Tuulipuistohallinnointiyhtiö Oy
Business ID 3223677-1
EDI identifier 003732236771

Jokituuli Holding Oy
Business ID 3283748-9
EDI identifier 003732837489

Tuulipuisto Karahka Oy
Business ID 2827841-8
EDI identifier 003728278418

Tuulipuisto Juurakko Oy
Business ID 2949074-4
EDI identifier 003729490744

Jokituuli Sijoitusyhtiö Ky
Business ID 3296093-8
EDI identifier 003732960938

Niinimäki Holding Oy
Business ID 3320977-5
EDI identifier 003733209775

Tuulipuisto Niinimäki Oy
Business ID 3166162-9
EDI identifier 003731661629

Niinimäki Grid Oy
Business ID 3277661-2
EDI identifier 003732776612

Niinimäki Sijoitusyhtiö Ky
Business ID 3324906-4
EDI identifier 003733249064

Helen Aurinkopuisto Kalanti Oy
Business ID 3255167-5
EDI identifier 003732551675

Kalanti GridCo Oy
Business ID 3300139-2
EDI identifier 003733001392

Nurmijärven Sähkövarasto Oy
Business ID 3333212-4
EDI identifier 003733332124

Basware Portal – send e-invoices for free

If you still have not started using e-invoicing, you can send e-invoices through the Basware Supplier Portal service. This requires an Internet connection and registration in the service. The service is free of charge. When you register in the supplier portal, you can send e-invoices to Helen Group companies and also to over 10,000 other organisations.

The service is aimed especially at small suppliers who do not have an invoicing system enabling e-invoicing. Banks, e-invoice operators and accountancy firms also offer several alternative methods for e-invoicing.

Register in the Basware Supplier Portal service 

In user/technical problems related to the Supplier Portal, please contact Basware Supplier portal:


Customer Support Phone Numbers

From the Basware Portal, you can also reach Basware's support through the Chat function.

Reverse value added tax

Helen Oy applies a reverse VAT on the purchase of construction services.
Other companies of the Helen Group do not sell construction services and follow normal VAT practice.