Solar power

A sustainable energy system is founded on pillars such as sun and wind. Solar energy is a clean way to produce electricity and an excellent way to increase energy self-sufficiency and meet the increasing demand for electricity. 

Helen’s first solar farms already under construction

Our first solar farm of 1.5 megawatts was completed in Nurmijärvi in the spring of 2023. We are also building a 6,8 megawatt farm in Lohja and a 206-megawatt farm in Uusikaupunki, both of which are expected to start production in 2024. In addition, we are producing solar energy at our solar power plants in Suvilahti, Kivikko, and Messukeskus.

Solar power gains ground

Solar energy is an excellent supplement to electricity production and an important part of a sustainable energy system. New EU regulations increase investments in solar electricity production in Finland and Europe. According to Auringosta Energiaa – coalition the estimated amount of solar power in Finland is estimated to be around 20 GW by 2035. This would correspond to under 10 percent total production in Finland.

Renewable, Finnish energy

Solar farms and Finland are a match made in heaven as the solar radiation levels in southern Finland are equal to those in northern Germany. Furthermore, the Finnish climate offers excellent conditions for the efficient use of solar panels. In Finland, the production of solar energy takes place during the bright summer months, supplementing wind power production, which peaks during other parts of the year. Together, solar and wind power ensure a consistent overall production of renewable, Finnish electricity.