Heating customer service

We serve housing companies in all district heat-related issues.

Yritys Helen – your housing company's energy matters in one place

Yritys Helen is the dedicated customer service portal for all of Helen's housing company customers. By logging into the service, you will get an overview of your energy usage, find your contracts and bills, and easily manage energy-related matters.

Log in

Contact our district heating sales

If you have questions about district heating or want to get a district heating connection for your property, send a message to our sales team via the form.

Contact us

General Customer Service for Heat Products and Contract Changes

Call or send an email:

Send an email

09 617 8045

District Heating Billing

Call or send an email:

Send an email

09 617 8001

District Heating and Cooling Worksites

0800 160 602

District Heating Network Fault Center

(Helsinki area, free of charge 24h)

0800 160 602

Booking for Commissioning and Final Inspection of Customer Devices

Weekdays from 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM
040 185 2345