Carefree heat for companies

District heating is a carefree heating method that heats the property's spaces. The heating remains consistent regardless of outdoor temperatures, and hot water is always available according to the property's needs.

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District heating will be renewed in 2024

We will renew district heating products for our consumer, housing company, and business customers at the beginning of next year. Familiarize yourself with the key changes.
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A reliable and dependable heating solution for properties located in Helsinki

District heating is suitable for all types of properties located along the district heating network in Helsinki. District heating heats the property and its hot water, providing warmth in all weather conditions. District heating is produced in a decentralized manner from various sources where it is most energy-efficient and cost-effective. Thanks to the flexible infrastructure of the district heating network, various heat sources can be integrated seamlessly. District heating works seamlessly with other heating methods and energy efficiency solutions. District heating production will be carbon-neutral by 2030.

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The benefits of district heating

Our district heating customers enjoy first-class energy distribution reliability. We ensure the availability of heat even on the coldest winter days.​

The district heating network serves as an energy platform where various heat sources can be integrated. As a district heating customer, you benefit from cost-effective energy sources such as waste heat recycling, heat storage, and flexible solutions.​

We offer our expertise in change and repair situations. We also monitor the condition of equipment through our maintenance activities and remote readings.

District heating products

Monthly Heating Property

When the current district heating product is renewed 1.1.2024, housing company and business customers will have their own product, Monthly Heating Property. Tracking heating costs is now easier because the price of Monthly Heating Property is billed monthly. The price consists of a fixed basic fee determined by the consumption data of the last three years and an energy fee that is updated in January and July for a year at a time.

Fixed-price District Heating

 Manage your budget reliably with a three-year fixed-term, fixed-price district heating contract. Fixed-price District Heating is designed for Helen's corporate and housing company customers, and brings clarity and predictability to heating bills. The price consists of the fixed basic fee and fixed monthly energy fee that remain unchanged for the entire three-year contracting period.

District heating prices

Get to know the current prices of district heating.

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Origin of district heat

The origin of district heat is based on the production mix of district heat produced in Helsinki, deducted by renewable district heat and other separate products.

The specific carbon dioxide emissions of district heat were 162 g/kWh in 2023. Also see the origin and specific emissions of all sold districh heat.

Origin of district heat 2023

Energy source %
Renewable sources 32
Fossil sources 62
Excess heat 6

Yritys Helen serves around the clock

Yritys Helen provides a comprehensive overview of your energy usage, where you can find your contracts and bills and easily manage energy-related matters. You can monitor energy consumption data with up to an hourly precision.

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Information for customers

We serve your company in all matters related to district heating. Familiarize yourself with our services and get in touch.

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