Profit and Loss account

1 000 €
1 000 €
1 000 €
1 000 €

Net turnover

819 140 877 621 694 979 746 609
Variation in work in progress 665. -399 - -
Work performed by the undertaking
for its own purpose and capitalized
8 701  4 582 7 548 3 502
Other operating income 12 322 21 350 26 506 34 041

Operating expenses
Raw materials and consumables        
  Fuel -248 143 -282 109 -248 143 -282 109
  Energy, materials and consumables -98 289 -110 387 -94 842 -96 862
  Variation in inventories -9 253
1 801
-9 344
2 127
External services -56 655 -40 913 -38 631 -31 551
Staff expenses -86 317 -92 949 -69 212 -70 648
Depreciation according to plan -84 123 -79 547 -56 401 -51 472
Depreciation in goodwill -2 525 -2 525 - -
Other operating charges -36 194 -57 703 -26 459 -51 433

Operating profit

219 328 238 822 186 001 202 204
Financial income and expenses        
Income from associated companies 11 914 10 860 -   - 
Dividend income 6 17 17 179 15 119
Other interest and financial income  3 821 3 051 5 544 5 889
Interest and other financial expenses -25 684 -25 708 -18 620 -19 349

Profit before
and taxes

209 385 227 042 190 104 203 863
Change in depreciation reserve - -   -
Change in other reserves  - - -193 -323
Income taxes -4 571 -5 352 - 
Return on equity capital   -47 400 -47 400 -47 400 -47 400
Minority interests -391 -244 -  -

Profit for the financial year

157 023 174 046 142 511 156 140