Uutinen / 6.11.2020

Helen is piloting new solar power technology in the power plants of its own properties

The roofs of Helen’s properties will soon be generating solar power while also acting as research platforms for solar power technology. The first solar power plants will be built this year in the Patola and Myllypuro heating plants and on the roof of the warehouse at the Vuosaari power plant.

Patolan lämpökeskuksen aurinkovoimala

Helen is increasing renewable solar power production at its own properties. At the same time, the latest components of the solar energy market from throughout the world and their functioning under Finnish conditions will also be studied.

“We are studying the commercial viability of new solar power solutions and their ability to increase the production efficiency of solar power plants. Helen’s customers will benefit directly from the results of our studies in the form of the most modern and cost-effective solar energy solutions in the field. We already offer the most diverse range of products and services in the Finnish solar energy market, for example, a solar power plant acquired as a one-off investment and service, designated panels, and power plant shares,” says Helen’s Product Group Manager Riku Kuikka.

Two test fields will be built at the solar power plant of the Patola heating plant in order to study the impacts of the shading of the property’s chimney stack on the production of panels equipped with different kinds of components.

“Our objective is to compare the production optimisation solutions with one another. With the study, we will be able to verify which solutions genuinely improve the production efficiency at the solar power plant. We also aim to study, e.g. the operation of two-sided panels with various installation platforms,” says Helen’s Specialist Tiina Harpila.

“If the solar power production exceeds the consumption of the property, we can offer it to our customers as solar power that is certified with a guarantee of origin as part of Environmental Electricity,” Harpila adds.

In addition to Patola, we will build solar power plants this year at the Myllypuro heating plant and on a warehouse at the Vuosaari power plant. Next year, we will launch more projects on other properties. Helen’s first solar power plant of its own was built as early as in 2015 on the roof of the Suvilahti substation where Helen has tested, for example, the effectiveness of wall installation.

”The solar energy market is growing rapidly, and it is of paramount importance that Helen leads the market and continues to do so in the technological sense and with respect to business models. In addition, installing solar panels on the roofs of our own properties also supports Helen’s targets with respect to carbon-neutral energy production and increases our renewable energy production,” says Helen’s Director Sari Mannonen.

Read more about Helen’s solar energy solutions


  • Helen increases its own renewable energy production at its properties and utilises its own solar power plants in the study of solar power technologies.
  • The studies focus on discovering the benefits of new technologies of solar power plants from the technical and commercial viewpoint and to utilise the results in the development of Helen’s product portfolio.
  • The first solar power plants will be built at the Patola and Myllypuro heating plants and on the roof of a warehouse at the Vuosaari power plant.