Uutinen / 31.8.2018

New price period for district heat begins, water flow fee will rise

The district heat water flow fee will rise by 7.2% as from 1 October 2018. The average impact of the change in the water flow fee on the total price of district heat is 1.7%.

As a result of the change, the district heat water flow fee will better correspond to the increased fixed costs of heat production and distribution. The impacts of the change in water flow fee on standard buildings*:

  • For a typical detached home (0,15 m³/h), the price impact is EUR 3.84 per month.
  • For a typical terraced home / small apartment block (0,8 m³/h), the price impact is EUR 17.18 per month.
  • For a typical larger apartment block (2,8 m³/h), the price impact is EUR 53.03 per month and the apartment-specific price impact is about 66 cents per month.

The district heat energy fee for the autumn period 1 October – 31 December 2018 will be 68,99 e/MWh.

The prices include 24% value added tax.

* Standard buildings of the Finnish Energy Industries have been used in the example calculations.

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