Additional service price list for district heating and cooling

Effective from 28 February 2025

Additional service fees

  VAT 0 % VAT 25,5 %  
Extra visit by the district heating inspector on site 120,00 150,60 €/pc
Installation of the pulse output of consumption data 470 € 589,85 € €/pc
Repeat inspection of client equipment (charged from contractor) 200 € 251 € €/pc
District heating client equipment scaling (free of charge for property
owner and property manager)
200 € 251 € €/pc
Meter inspection 1. Meter size DN ≤ 65 580 € 727,90 € €/pc
Meter inspection 1. Meter size DN ≤ 80 760 € 953,80 € €/pc
Checking meter readings and other on-site tasks 100 € 125,5 € €/hr
Invoice or report copy as a self-service 0 € 0 € €/pc
Invoice or report copy electronically 7,89 € 9,90 € €/pc
Invoice or report copy in paper form 9,56 € 12,00 € €/pc
Refund of payment 15,00 € 18,83 € €/pc
Extra invoice 60 € 75,30 € €/hr
Additional reports and consumption data 60 € 75,30 € €/hr
Customer-specific cancellation certificate for origin guarantees 60 € 75,30 € €/hr
Processing of power of attorney 19,90 € 24,98 € €/pc
Copy of the contract confirmation electronically 7,89 € 9,90 € €/pc
Copy of the contract confirmation in paper form 9,56 € 12,00 € €/pc
Inspection request on customer register data
(if more than once a year)
71,63 € 89,90 € €/pc
Collection-related disconnection fee 240 € - €/pc
Collection-related visit fee 150 € - €/pc
Reconnection after collection-related disconnection, workdays 7 AM to 6 PM 240 € 301,20 € €/pc
After-hours service connection fee, at times other than workdays 7
AM to 6 PM (not including holidays)
320 € 401,60 € €/pc
After-hours service connection fee, holidays 560 € 702,80 € €/pc

1 The client may have the meter and the accuracy of the measurement checked, if desired. If there is a fault in the meter or the measurement or it does not meet the general terms and conditions of contract or official regulations, the inspection fee is not charged. The fee includes the replacement of the meter and calibrating the removed meter in a test jig.

Connection alteration work 

Helen has the right to charge the client for any case-by-case costs incurred by alteration work related to the connection. The client is obligated to inform Helen of any changes to the schedule without delay, but no later than fourteen (14) days before the date previously agreed with Helen. The late charge of alteration work is EUR 50 per day plus a lump-sum compensation of EUR 300 (VAT 0%), which covers the rescheduling of the work, potential reservation fees, etc. The value added tax valid at each time is added to the prices (VAT 0%).

Discontinuing the district heating connection

Helen has the right to charge the client for any costs incurred by the discontinuation of the district heating connection. The costs are itemised in the 'District heating connection price list'.

Request for payment

The fee for sending a request for payment is EUR 5 per request (consumers) EUR 12 per request (companies and housing cooperatives). No value added tax is collected on the payment. Interest on arrears for invoices paid after the due date is determined in accordance with the Interest Act. Any interest and collection fees are charged in the client's consequent district heating and cooling invoices. The aforementioned connection fee is charged for reconnecting a supply interrupted due to unpaid invoices. Any unpaid invoices shall be forwarded to a debt collection agency.