Constructor Heating — the cheapest emission-free heating for construction sites

Constructor Heating is a solution for heating and the drying of structures during construction. This reliable and emission-free solution is available for the specific time frame you need it for.

A reliable solution for heating needs during construction

Constructor Heating is our updated district heating product for heating and drying during construction. In this easy-to-use and reliable solution, 100% of the heating energy is produced on an emission-free basis from renewable energy sources. Constructor Heating is suitable for newly constructed properties that will be connected to the district heating network and renovation projects that are part of the district heating network.

100% renewable

Constructor Heating is district heat produced from renewable energy sources, entirely without CO2 emissions. We help the customer to achieve the property's sustainability and emission targets through carbon-neutral heat production.

Reliable and compact

District heat is a reliable heating solution that makes maximum heat output available continuously without having to transport the energy source to the construction site and store it there. The heating equipment only takes up a small amount of space at the construction site, and can be located in the future or existing heat distribution room.

Transparent and clear pricing

The price of Constructor Heating consists of a fixed fee based on the rated output and an energy fee based on consumption.

Monitor your energy usage

The Yritys Helen service is the key to being fully informed about your property’s energy usage. The service gives you access to comprehensive downloadable reports and views of heat consumption, including during construction.

The cheapest emission-free heating for construction sites

Constructor Heating is the cheapest emission-free heating solution for construction sites in Helsinki. We offer clear and transparent pricing that enables stable heating costs for construction sites and renovation projects of all sizes.

Realiable district heating from Helen

Our district heating customers enjoy first-class energy distribution reliability and benefit from cost-effective energy sources such as waste heat recycling, heat storage, and flexible solutions. ​We ensure the availability of heat even on the coldest winter days.​ Our promise is to offer carbon-neutral district heating production by 2030.

The pricing of Constructor Heating

January 107.19
February 106.95
March 87.08
April 75.14
May 46.62
June 38.59
July 35.75
August 37.80
September 51.59
October 74.53
November 87.44
December 96.80
  1. Confirmed energy price
  2. Prognosis for energy price

The pricing of Constructor Heating consists of an energy fee and a fixed fee.

The energy fee is determined by the monthly consumption of the construction site and the energy price of district heating. The energy fee changes monthly and the new prices are always updated on 1 January and 1 July for one year at a time.

At each update, we announce the confirmed prices for the next six months and provide a price forecast for the subsequent six months. This gives you 12 months of price visibility at all times. The prices do not include value added tax.

The fixed fee for Constructor Heating is determined directly by the rated output of the property during construction. The fixed fee is €14.8/kW of verified rated output.

Place an order or request more information

Fill the invoicing information, if different than the owner of the property