Consumers are interested in monitoring their own energy usage – use of Oma Helen service growing strongly
Our customers’ interest in monitoring their own energy usage has grown significantly as energy-related issues and energy-saving recommendations hit the headlines in the summer. This can be seen, for example, in the increased number of users of the Oma Helen service, which was launched in 2020. By the beginning of August, as many as 270,000 of our customers had started using the service where they can monitor their energy usage even down to the hourly level, and the numbers are growing constantly.
Regular monitoring of energy usage helps to understand your own energy use. When our customers understand their own energy usage, they are able to make choices to cut their energy bills and also reduce their carbon footprint at the same time. During spring and summer 2022, the use of Oma Helen has grown considerably, picking up even more speed towards the end of the summer. In the spring, just over 350 new users joined the service every day, but recently on some days there have been as many as 2,000 new users to the service. The users represent all age groups, but the number of especially female users has shot up.
“As energy-related matters are on everyone’s lips, an increasing number of people are interested in the monitoring of their own energy usage. I am delighted that more and more of our customers have discovered the Oma Helen service. The service has been designed especially for our customers, and we are constantly developing this and other comprehensive digital solutions that are to the benefit of our customers. The services make it easier for customers to deal with their energy matters and provide new understanding of energy consumption. In the summer, we launched a new digital service, Yritys Helen, for our business and housing company customers. It works on the same principle as Oma Helen,” explains Tuomas Teuri, Helen’s Chief Digital Officer.
Oma Helen offers an extensive amount of data concerning your energy usage and provides tools for everyday management of your own consumption. In the service, you can monitor the electricity consumption of your household even down to the hourly level or study usage as various time series. The service also offers different useful comparisons based on data, for example, reviewing of consumption variations, say, on a monthly level, or the breakdown of consumption for day and night time. The versatile features help to provide an overall picture of your own energy usage. In addition to your consumption, it is also possible to monitor the production of your own solar panels with the application.
Oma Helen is developed constantly, listening to the customers’ wishes. Currently, energy-saving tips and the improved management of your own consumption with the application are the most interesting topics to the users. Therefore, during the autumn, we will focus further on the development of functionalities concerning the management of own energy consumption and production. In this development, Helen will strongly utilise data and artificial intelligence for creating useful everyday services out of energy data.
The free Oma Helen application can be downloaded from app stores. The services Oma Helen and Yritys Helen can also be used online at helen.fi.