Most of our electricity customers have remotely read meters. These customers are billed according to actual readings. In the district heat bill, the water flow and energy fees are itemised separately.
Information about billing
We meter your consumption by the hour with a remotely read electricity meter. You can see the entire billing period on the consumption bill and bill breakdown. The bill charges vary according to actual electricity consumption. If you do not yet have a remotely read meter, we will carry on sending a bill in equal instalments. You can also request billing based on readings. Remotely read metering points are billed according to actual readings. You will only pay for electricity that you have used.
The price of district heating will consist of a fixed basic price and an energy price, the prices of which will be updated every six months for one year at a time starting from the beginning of 2024.
Energy price
The energy price is determined by monthly consumption and energy price. The energy price changes every month, and new prices are updated every year on January 1 and July 1. The change replaces the previously used seasonal price updated four times a year. The energy price is based on the amount of heat energy used and its price. The more the property is heated and the more hot water is used, the more heating energy is consumed. The energy price is calculated by multiplying this consumption by the energy price of the current month.
Basic price
The basic price replaces the water flow charge, the pricing basis of which has been considered complicated. In the future, the basic price will be paid according to how much district heating the property consumes on average per year. The property's usage power is based on the average annual consumption of the previous 36 months. For consumer customers whose usage power is over 50 MWh per year, the usage power is based on the highest daily average power. The basic price will be a monthly charge in the future, and its amount will be reviewed once a year. The review will be made after the heating season, and the updated basic price will come into effect on July 1. There will be no change in the total amount of basic prices in the renewal.
We recommend you an e-invoice, which you can order through your online bank. The e-invoice is a safe, easy and ecological way to receive and pay bills.
Please remember to use the correct reference number when paying the bill. Electricity bills
FI18 8000 1200 3133 60 DABAFIHH
FI17 5000 0110 0000 55 OKOYFIHH
FI68 2044 3800 0006 04 NDEAFIHH
District heating and district cooling bills
FI33 8000 1170 6491 32 DABAFIHH
FI48 5000 0120 2138 88 OKOYFIHH
We have compiled instructions on how to read the electricity and district heating bill. If you still have any questions about the bills, please contact our customer services. We will be happy to help you.
If you are unable to pay an outstanding bill by the due date, please give us a new payment date in our online service. If you are using e-invoices, please make this change also in your online bank.
Notify us by filling the form: billing address change
We will send one payment reminder for unpaid bills. Once the payment period of the reminder has expired, any unpaid bills will be transferred to a collection agency for debt collection. See further information on collection-related issues (Only in Finnish and Swedish)
Helen offers easy and flexible energy finance solution for solar power systems, and district heat connections.
With direct payment your bank will automatically pay the agreed bills on the due date. We will send you a separate paper notice of the bill, a so-called advance notification, to your home address.
Direct payment will be at your disposal once you authorise your bank to process direct payments. For this, you need to visit your own bank. We will receive notification from your bank, on the basis of which we will transfer your bills to direct payment.
We have started using the Kivra digital mailbox service for sending and receiving 110% climate-compensated digital mail. Using Kivra instead of paper invoices helps reduce emissions from paper, printing and transport. With the Kivra digital mailbox service, you can receive, pay and archive your invoices electronically.