Helen group’s policy on corporate social responsibility

Our policy on corporate social responsibility directs all our operations. We take corporate social responsibility into account in the planning, implementation and management of our business operations.

Corporate social responsibility is a success factor for Helen

Energy is an essential part of a well-functioning society, and Helen plays a key societal role in safeguarding the production and supply of energy. Helen delivers electricity, heat and cooling as well as other energy services to its customers every single day of the year. We develop our operations in order to contribute to the success of our customers through our services and products.

Our policy on corporate social responsibility (CSR) directs all our operations. It is based on legislation and the Global Compact principles. We take corporate social responsibility into account in the planning, implementation and management of our business operations.

We tell about the implementation of our CSR policy each year in our corporate social responsibility report. Helen's management assesses the need to update the CSR policy once a year. The CSR policy is approved by the Board of Directors.

Financial success is a basic requirement for our operations.

With our operations, we create value for our customers and for society, as well as for our owner, the City of Helsinki.

For us, responsibility means profitable and efficient operations and their continuous improvement. Competitiveness means responsibility towards our owner and is a prerequisite for being able to act in a responsible way also towards our other stakeholders.

We strive for success with a long-term approach in accordance with our ethical guidelines and the targets set by our owner.

Companies create value for their owners through their operations. In addition, companies can create value for society economically, e.g. through taxes, procurement, creation of workplaces and remuneration; socially, e.g. through services and products that improve people's lives; and environmentally, e.g. by recycling materials and energy in order to improve the state of the environment.

Helen-konserni työllistää yli tuhat ammattilaista.

For us, environmental responsibility means in particular climate change mitigation, protection of air, water and soil, efficient use of natural resources, and safeguarding biodiversity.

We help our customers to reduce emissions by offering them products and services that reduce climate impacts.

We invest in low-carbon energy and increase its share in our production. Our long-term goal is climate-neutral energy production.

We reduce the environmental impacts of our operations. We know the origin of the energy we produce. We also give increasing attention to the environmental impacts of our products and services throughout their life cycle.

We use energy, water and raw materials in an effective way. We recycle energy flows ever more intensively.

Our operations are safe for our employees, subcontractors, customers, city residents and other stakeholders.

Climate-neutral energy production means production that does not increase the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Climate neutrality can be achieved by switching to production methods that are free of carbon dioxide emissions and/or by offsetting the emissions from activities by sequestrating the amount of carbon dioxide corresponding to the emissions. The use of sustainably produced biomass is regarded as climate neutral.

Ilmastoneutraaliin tulevaisuuteen päästäksemme tarvitsemme useita keinoja.

We give equal consideration to the people associated with our activities and we are a good neighbour to our urban environment.

We develop the occupational wellbeing and competence of our employees. We foster a corporate culture that embraces individuality and joint effort. We are all equal. Responsibility is an everyday matter and part of each working day of all Helen employees. We help our personnel to act in a responsible manner.

We offer our customers competitive energy and a good customer experience, and we support them in making best use of our products and services.

We identify our stakeholders' expectations towards our operations and we inform them of our activities in a frank and open manner. We take active part in the energy debate and develop our operations together with our stakeholders.

We expect our partners to act responsibly in accordance with our ethical guidelines. We ensure fair treatment of our partners.

Equality means that all people are equal regardless of their gender, age, origin, nationality, language, religion or belief, opinion, political or trade union activity, family relationships, disability, health, sexual orientation or other personal reason.

Kehitämme toimintaamme yhdessä sidosryhmiemme kanssa.

Sustainable procurement

We aim to promote sustainability in our procurement. We take sustainable development into account in the entire procurement process whenever possible.

The partner network is important to us. We want the suppliers of services and goods to join Helen in committing to responsible action in the economic, social and ecological sense.

The Supplier Code of Conduct is based on the Helen Group Code of Conduct. We expect our suppliers to commit to this Supplier Code of Conduct or to similar specifically and jointly agreed supplier code of conduct.  

Helen’s Supplier Code of Conduct (PDF)