Helen's contact details

Our head office is located in Kamppi, Helsinki. You can find more detailed contact information on this page.

Helen Group

09 6171
Call prices and opening hours

Post address
Helen Ltd
00090 HELEN

Visiting address (no customer service)
Kampinkuja 2
00100 Helsinki

Business ID

Personal email addresses

Invoicing in Helen Group


Customer service

Use the Oma Helen service whenever it suits you. In the service, it is easy to manage your contract-related issues. You can also contact us by phone.

Contact us

Oma Helen service

Follow your energy usage and view or modify your contract and billing information in the Oma Helen service 24/7.

Log in to Oma Helen


Compare our electricity contracts or change addresses.

Information about electricity billing


Get to know our electricity contracts or contact our corporate sales.

Customer service

You can take care of urgent matters, such as change of address notifications, in the Oma Helen service.

Tel. 09 617 8080

Call prices and opening hours

We only respond to inquiries related to information security at the email address below. You can find our customer service contact information here.

Send email

More information about information security

We only respond to inquiries related to data protection at the email address below. You can find our customer service contact information here.

Send email

We respond to media inquiries on weekdays from 9 am to 4 pm.

Tel. 040 148 9064

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News and articles

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Logos and images

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