Find out about Helen’s heating range

Helen offers housing companies a diverse and wide range of heat products, including district heat, geothermal heat, as well as heating solutions and supplementary extra services that improve the efficiency of energy use. Helen has the best heating form exactly for your housing company’s needs, bringing stability and predictability to your everyday life.

District heat

District heat is a stable, carefree and reliable heating solution that is suitable for all types of properties. The use of district heat is simple, the life cycle of the equipment is long, and it does not need much maintenance. Helen’s security of district heat supply is among the best in the world. District heating is a sustainable choice of heating in urban areas, and it also operates reliably together with other heating forms and energy efficiency solutions.

District heating for housing companies

Monthly Heating Property

When the current district heating product is renewed 1.1.2024, housing company and business customers will have their own product, Monthly Heating Property. Tracking heating costs is now easier because the price of Monthly Heating Property is billed monthly. The price consists of a fixed basic fee determined by the consumption data of the last three years and an energy fee that is updated in January and July for a year at a time.

Fixed-price District Heating

 Manage your budget reliably with a three-year fixed-term, fixed-price district heating contract. Fixed-price District Heating is designed for Helen's corporate and housing company customers, and brings clarity and predictability to heating bills. The price consists of the fixed basic fee and fixed monthly energy fee that remain unchanged for the entire three-year contracting period.

Upgrade a property to eco-friendly heating 

Eco Heat Flow

By upgrading heating to Eco Heat Flow, you reduce the property’s carbon footprint in a concrete way and contribute to the production of local, zero-carbon energy. The origin of heat is certified with guarantees of origin for renewable heat and waste heat, granted by Energy Authority. A small extra fee for Eco Heat Flow is added on top of the normal district heat contract prices. 

Eco Heat Bio

By upgrading heating to Eco Heat Bio, you reduce the property’s carbon footprint in a concrete way and contribute to local renewable energy production. The origin of heat is certified with a guarantee of origin for renewable heat granted by Energy Authority.​ A small extra fee for Eco Heat Bio is added on top of the normal district heat contract prices.

Supplement district heat with energy-efficient solutions


The Kiinteistövahti service guarantees stable heating conditions in every dwelling while saving energy at the same time. Kiinteistövahti offers data-based information on dwelling-specific temperature, air humidity and outdoor temperature and makes suggestions to the heating system controls.

Smart district heating substation

The housing company gets a smart district heating substation installed and maintained for a fixed monthly fee. Predictive maintenance enables rapid fault detection and repair. An effortless and easy way to renew the district heating substation without investment.

Geothermal heat

Geothermal heat is an ecological heating solution with a stable price. It is suitable for even surprising locations, such as city centres. Geothermal heat can be repaid without increasing the total maintenance charge of the housing company because the thermal energy obtained from underground is free. The efficiency of the geothermal heating system can be improved with heat recovery that further improves the energy efficiency of the building and reduces the number of geothermal bore holes to be drilled.


Own geothermal heat

A tailored, individual geothermal heating system for housing companies as a turnkey delivery. You will get clear information about the total cost of the project and its implementation phases and schedule – Helen will take care of its smooth implementation. A correctly dimensioned system with high quality of implementation will pay itself back and provide significant savings for the housing company.


Geothermal heat as a service

An environmentally friendly heat product with a stable price without investment by the housing company. The housing company will get a geothermal heating system and we will take care of its operation. Predictable costs make budgeting easy for the housing company, and there will be no unexpected repair costs. After the contract period (20 years) the housing company can choose whether to carry on with the carefree service or buy the system for itself at the price of one month’s service fee.

Interested? Submit a contact request

Our experts will recommend the best heating solution for your housing company. Leave us your contact details and we will contact you as soon as possible.

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